The Monetary Authority of Singapore ("MAS") has issued a Consultation Paper on Draft Regulations for Mandatory Trading of Derivatives Contracts ("Consultation Paper"). This follows the passing of the Securities and Futures (Amendment) Act 2017 in January last year to amend the Securities and Futures Act ("SFA"), giving effect to policy proposals aimed at legislative reforms for the regulation of over-the-counter ("OTC") derivatives markets and intermediaries.

The new Part VIC of the SFA introduces the mandatory trading regime for specified derivatives contracts by specified persons on an organised market. The implementation rules and details of the initial set of in-scope products and entities are set out in the proposed draft Securities and Futures (Trading of Derivatives Contracts) Regulations 2018 ("Trading Regulations"), which are the subject of the public consultation.

The deadline for feedback on the Consultation Paper is 23 March 2018. We would be pleased to assist you with any feedback that your organisation would like to give MAS, including any practical considerations and implications the Trading Regulations may have.

If you have any queries or would like to know more about how these changes may impact you, please contact:

Rosabel NG
Head – Derivatives & Structured Products Practice
Joint Head - Financial Services Regulatory Practice
d +65 6416 8269
Click here to see Rosabel’s CV.

TIAN Sion Yoong
Partner – Financial Services Regulatory Practice
Partner - Derivatives & Structured Products Practice
d +65 6416 2488
Click here to see Sion Yoong’s CV.