In Interactive Digital Finance Ltd and another v Credit Suisse AG and another [2023] SGHC 198, the General Division of the Singapore High Court (High Court) reaffirmed the principle that parties are entitled to documents that are referred to in pleadings. The High Court clarified that, despite the removal of the notice to produce procedure from the Rules of Court 2021 (2021 Rules), taking into account the ideals in Order 3 of the 2021 Rules, a party remains entitled to request production of documents referred to in pleadings. The court has the power to order the production of the documents even before the Single Application Pending Trial; such power is derived from Order 11 rule 4 of the 2021 Rules.

Our Daniel Chan and Lim Yuan Jing acted for the first defendant, Credit Suisse AG.

If you would like information and/or assistance on the above or any other area of law, you may wish to contact the Partner at WongPartnership whom you normally work with or the following Partner:

Daniel CHAN
Partner – Banking & Financial Disputes
d +65 6416 8104
Click here to view Daniel’s CV.