In a webinar titled “Time is (of) the Essence” organised by WongPartnership LLP and our WPG member firm Makes & Partners, and supported by ICC and Indonesian Corporate Counsel Association (ICCA), our panelists engaged in a lively discussion on topics such as the evolution of the disputes landscape in light of the global pandemic, reapportioning risk and other negotiation perspectives, use of mediation and arb-med-arb protocols as an option to quickly resolve disputes, and dispute resolution strategies relevant to Indonesia and/or Singapore that would drive a quick and efficient outcome, amongst others.
On the panel of speakers are our Chairman and Senior Partner Alvin Yeo, SC; President of Indonesian Corporate Counsel Association, Yudhistira Setiawan; Managing Partner of AFS Partnership, Andi F. Simangunsong; Director of South Asia, ICC Arbitration & ADR International Court of Arbitration, Abhinav Bhushan; and Professor of Law at University of Indonesia, Professor Dr. Hikmahanto Juwana. Our Indonesia and Special Situations Advisory Practice Partner Lawrence Foo was the moderator for the session.
To view the webinar recording, please click on the link here.